Here it is, Sunday morning and I'm now feeling more enlivened than I did yesterday. Coley and I went to a Japanese themed dinner party on Friday night in Hermosa at an absolutely beautiful home. Here's a picture of a couple of the women who were there. On the far end is Freckles, who I will be pet sitting for and in the foreground is Vicky. She belongs to a church I will probably check out called Hope Fellowship. She also told me about their book club that meets once a month, and because not everyone can get the same book, they simply read one and give a report to the group. They also bring books to pass around. Freckles is going to take me to the next meeting. The food was really great---Coley and I made a wonderful Asian cabbage dish, here's the recipe:
one head of cabbage, or mix two (we used green and red) chopped
green onions (tops included, use to your liking) chopped
1 pkg. chicken flavored Ramen noodles (separate noodles on baking dish)
set aside the flavor package
on same baking dish add a pkg of slivered almonds (we used regular almonds cut up)
Place in 300 degree oven and brown 8-10 minutes (we then turned on the broiler to really brown them)
Dressing mix:
4 tsp. cider vinegar (we had to get red wine vinegar, just as tasty)
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1 1/2 packets of sweetener (or sugar to your liking)
chicken flavoring pkg.
Mix dressing, pour over cabbage then add noodles and nuts, mix well, and serve. Bon Appetit!!
After the dinner, Freckles, Coley and I went to Zi's to hear a band called Electric Storm. I can honestly say I've not heard such head banging music since I stopped going into bars, almost 20 years ago.....Freckles' husband, Mike had a table for us to sit at. My twin LOVES to dance. After 7 days with me trying to find my rhythm, she finally got to find her rhythm. Again, I haven't danced for any measurable time in nearly 20 years, give or take the few times in my apartment when I danced by myself for exercise. I finally got out on the dance floor, sans shoes, and danced to such songs as Smoke on the Water and Honky Tonk Woman. I think I danced to about 5 songs. I also got Coley out there to do the dance called "the rock". We'll have to work on that step a little, but it was fun dancing with her.
We got home about midnight (way past my bedtime) and I noticed when I walked my two big toes felt "funny". Would you believe I have a blister on each one, from dancing!!!! What was I thinking!!! Guess I'll have to develop my dancing feet.
Today, Sunday, I'm going to try Coley's bike out, see how I do with my new knees on that apparatus. I think, however, I'm going to invest in a motorscooter so we can get around better.
Sending you all sunny skies and warm smiles!!!!