Whew!!! 5 days into the new year, WOW!!!! Is it my imagination or did the first five days fly by. In eight days Coley and I will be on our way to NOLA and then our cruise. To say we are both really excited, well, let's just say we are both a bit giddy about the whole adventure.
Now, for those of you who think I only go to the pool, let me correct your impression by saying I have already been to the ocean for my semi-annual visit. Coley and I had planned on going to the pool just a couple of days ago. However, there were lots of families here with small children all playing in and about the pool area. So I said "let's go to the ocean" and Coley's response was "really, to the ocean???!!!" Guess I made her day and probably her year. We had a great time, the weather was partly cloudy, the water was perfect and we were in the ocean for almost two hours. Then when I got to my chair and sat down I felt something biting my foot and looked down to see ants all over my right foot, biting the crap out of me. I scrambled back to the ocean while Coley moved our chairs closer to the water.
Monday, Coley, Freckles, Mike and I headed out to San Jose. We needed to get some papers filled out at the embassy so Mike and Freckles offered to drive us. What a great trip. It's about a 5hour drive from Coco, closer to the Caribbean side of the country. I took this picture of the beautiful sunset but as you can see, I was in a moving car and didn't get a real good picture. The other one is of me and Coley in front of the american consulate. We were all quite impressed with the speed with which we were in and out and it was quite refreshing to hear english spoken so well. All went well and we headed for the local Wal-mart in San Jose. It's called Maxi-Bodega in Costa Rica, but the shopping is still the same, lots of stuff, lots of way to spend your money.

As we were driving back to Coco, Mike took us by way of Nicoya Peninsula and the Gulf of Nicoya. Apparently this is close to where Mel Gibson has his home, which I've heard is now on the market.
And, here's a bit of news, it appears the Joan Rivers came over to vacation and when she got to the airport in Liberia, she had a boarding ticket with the wrong name on it and they wouldn't let her board. Apparently she had to go to San Jose to the consulate, also, to get it straightened out. Then we read where Rush Limbaugh, in his opposition to the health care plan, has decided he would fly to Costa Rica for his health care rather than use the health care plan in the U.S. I have to say I have been very impressed with the system of care they have here. Coley has been to have scan done and was given the results immediately to bring back to her doctor in Coco. When you go to the pharmacy here, you don't really have to have a prescription in order to get them refilled, unless it's something like narcotic type drugs.
Enough for now. It was so great talking to all of you during the holidays. Coley and I both really enjoy having access to our phone and to be able to talk to family and friends for free. So if we cross your mind, please pick up the phone and give us a call, 505.990.8180. Until then, I send love!!!!