Well, it's done, I finally have my new used camper. It was quite a day! My friend, Alpha and I decided to go look at some campers. I had no intention of buying one here in St. Augustine, Florida, but I wanted to see what was out there. She's a real beauty, 27 feet long, 1998 model. As you can see she looks really good from the outside. She has one slide out and the kitchen is to the rear, which I really like. It opens up the entire area as soon as you walk into the room.

The living room is just as you step into the camper and there's a hide-a-bed sofa along with a rocking chair just to the left of the door as you enter. Just to the right of where the TV is you step up into the bedroom, which I did not include a picture of. But it's got a queen ? size bed with storage on both sides of the bed and a closet as you step up into the room.

Here's my dining area. The table lets down into another area for sleeping. I wasn't too sure about bench seating because the table usually is to close for comfort, but this one fit great!!! As you can see from the pictures, there are plenty of windows to let in light.

My kitchen area has some cabinets, obviously there is never going to be enough storage but I will make do with what is available. I can't wait to start unpacking and being in my new home.
Can you see how clean everything looks. The previous owners had new carpet and linoleum put down so it has a real clean feel to it.

Here's my kitchen, the refrigerator is the area with the black border. The previous owners even had a separate counter made, not pictured, with matching counter top. All I have to do is stand it up and put a couple of pegs in and I have extra counter space. It will go just to the left of the dining area.

Now here's a couple of stories about me deciding to purchase this particular model. As Alpha and I were being shown different used 5th wheels, Monty, are salesman showed us several and I had decided I didn't really like any of the ones he had taken us to. Just as we were getting ready to go back to the office, Monty says "you know, I've got one more that just came into the lot, we haven't even had it checked over yet, but it's very clean, 1998 model, 27 feet long, let me show it to you." Right away I thought, geez, 1998 is old and it's probably going to look bad and smell bad also, but OK let's see it. I was amazed at the exterior, very clean as you can see, well taken care of. What really sold me on this one, is the previous owners were so meticulous about record keeping (anal would be the correct word), they had an expandable file folder with separate files inside. They had information on every aspect of this trailer, everything they had added, all the electrical equipment, even any work repair orders were included along with the cost bill. Anything I want to know about this camper is spelled out for me. None of the other campers had even a booklet to look at.
Then when we went into the office and Monty is writing up the sales contract, the figure he presented me with totalled the number 10, which for all you numerologists is a number of new beginnings. Then the financial officer came in to give me the final price, which was $800.00 less than what Monty had figured and that number totalled 24, my birth number which is 24/6. And if that's not enough proof for you I'm on the right track, guess what the financial officer's name was, yep, you guessed it, Angel-a, Angela. God sent me an angel to affirm for me this was supposed to be my camper. I am thrilled beyond words. It's perfect in so many ways and the people who owned it before me took really good care of it, they lived in it for 6 years and only sold it so they could upgrade.
So, never under-estimate the power of co-creating, visualization and prayer!!! My truck and my camper of proof of all three. See you on the road, again!!!!!
P.S., the name Sunnybrook adds up to 10 also!!!