On Saturday morning I received a phone call in my camper. It was Jenny telling me that she and Larry had decided to take the boat out that afternoon and was I interested. HELL YES!!!! I needed to be outside soaking up the sun and getting some fresh air. HELL YES!!!! My body was still aching from driving for 14 hours. HELL YES!!!! I've been here a month and this is the first time we've been able to get out to the boat, mostly because Jenny has been in such pain with the bulging disc.
So here we are, Jenny trying to keep the sun off her face. She's not often out in the sun so her skin attracts the rays like white on rice. You can also see her new walker. I'm very pleased with how sturdy it feels and the seat is very comfortable. Jenny used it for the first time getting to the boat and she really likes it.
Here's our captain. Larry is such a good guy. He takes everything in stride and takes really good care of Jenny. He has his own aches and pains, but I never hear him complain. He does most of the cleaning in the house, dishes, laundry, whatever needs done, and does all of the outdoor stuff, taking care of the four acres of land, mowing, weeding, mulching, you name it. He really loves being out on the boat, and often takes his fishing rods with him, although he did not bring them on this trip.
Here's the other bathing beauty in all her glory. I jokingly told Jenny, when I walked into the house and took off my shirt, that even though I do care what other people think about me, I can't do anything about it. So I'm working on loving myself just as I am. I laughed as I was telling her that if I was on a plane and fell out, my "wings" would have a better chance of saving me than some skinny girl's "wings" would save her, and I held up my arms and started flapping my "wings". I know the more I can really love myself, the more likely I'll invite in the perfect relationship to love me, all of me, as well.

Once we got back home, Jenny, Larry and I played a few rounds of hearts until Jenny realized she had left her insulin kit on the boat and Larry had to go retrieve it. While he was gone, Jenny beat me playing Farkle and then we played what Shelia and I call the Kit-n-Kaboodle hand, which means winner takes all, a game of Garbage. A card game I had not played in over 30 years, but again, Jenny beat me. Maybe today I can have a rematch!!!
Off I go, to see the wizard!!!! Stay cool, and I do mean, stay cool!!!!!