Alpha, Brian and I got into the truck about 11:30 a.m. and headed to a shopping area where Alpha knew the local photographer. Sadly, he was not there, but his wife was. He displayed some dazzlingly beautiful prints of the area's vistas, along with some spectacular shots of such places as Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock. Along with his work, they also had a separate room with some shots taken by their son, Adam. He is going to have a wonderful future as a professional photographer.
As we left the studio, we headed to a restaurant called Thai Paradise. We had all agreed that we wanted something other than American and Mexican. The picture of the Buddha, just above was taken on the patio where we had lunch. Coley, in your honor, I ordered what was called "Angel wings". Marinated in a sweet, chili sauce, they were really good. Brought back memories of Z's lounge!!!
Our leisurely afternoon found us trying to locate the local stupa. Brian had heard the Buddhists had built one and that it was close to our condos. As you can see we found it. The picture to the left is the Buddha just past the Amitabha Stupa and nestled into the area they call Peace Park. Although you can't see the red rock mountain to the right of this, but it's called Thunderbird Mountain.
This is the Buddha above the stupa. The structure stands about two stories high. As you come before the Buddha, it is beneficial to seek wisdom, or to ask for blessings as you walk clockwise around the stupa three times. We enjoyed sitting on the deck just in front of the stupa for a while. There was a young man who had rented a place to stay for the entire month and is leaving tomorrow for San Diego. That's one of the neat things about being here, is talking to complete strangers and everyone has been so open to talking. Just as we headed back to the truck, we noticed the smaller stupa. We also saw a red-headed bird, which I later found out was desert quail. Below is the significance of the totem quail:
Further down the trail was this statue of Quan Yin. She's the Goddess of compassion and mercy. There's no way for you to tell, but she is quite small sitting in front of a huge tree. So, as you can tell has been about being in peaceful, harmonic, loving energy. Good thing, too! I'm way too tired to deal with anything that requires alot of energy. We leave about 8:00 a.m. for Phoenix. About 2.5 hours, and then I drop my friends off and head back to Albuquerque. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend spent at Georgia and Pete's place.
As I end this portion of my journey, I wanted to show you the number of our condo. 2012. How interesting and easy to remember. It's been a very full week, and it passed all too quickly. But then our lives seem to be passing all too quickly as well. In the blink of an eye, the moment is here and then it's gone. So happy I have all my pictures to remind me. Hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I did!!!