This was an interesting week for me. I had an appointment to have a skin test done to see if there was anything I might be coming into contact with causing my "contact dermititis". Yep, after 6 years of believing I had ezcema, I went to an allergist who looked at my biopsy and declared "you don't have ezcema, you have contact dermititis with an over-abundance of yeast in your body."
So, I go in on Monday, he attaches the patches, tapes me up real good and says "I'll see you on Wednesday." Back I go on Wednesday and, come to find out, the only thing I'm allergic to is "gold". Well, to be perfectly clear - "gold sodium thiosulfate". I said "no wonder I'm not creating alot of prosperity in my life...I'm allergic to gold!"
"Look at it this way, now you can have platinum, it's even more expensive than gold!" he says. We both laughed! I just love this man...Dr. Fahhoum. You can believe it when I say, I got in my truck and started thinking about this reaction, my connection with the energy of money and my feeling a sense of lack recently. For days I had conversations with God and myself. I know the first level of manifestation is to "think it". I was doing alot of that.
The second level of manifestation is "speak it". Again, I was doing alot of that, through my conversations with God, my affirmations, and my prayers.
The final part of the co-creating process is "feel it". When I get past the "crud" of my life, and tap in, tune in, and turn on to the Truth of my life, I begin to feel a sense of connectedness with the Divine and I know once again "God has my back".
This morning, as I was driving with my friend, Shelia, to have breakfast and play Rummikub, she reached over, handed me several bills and said "this is my tithe for December and I want it to go to you!" OMG!!! once again, from unexpected sources, prosperity came into my life. (That's me with Shelia in the above picture). It didn't stop there, however. As I was getting out of town, I stopped for gas, and asked the clerk to check my lottery tickets and, guess what? Yep, another $14.00. I'm rolling in the dough!!!!! Thanks God, thanks Shelia, thanks State of Tennessee!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOO!!!