Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm still around!!

Dear Family and Friends: I've now spent the better part of two hours trying to figure out how to download pictures from my phone to this blog. There is really nothing more frustrating that the realization you're not smarter than a computer (or a 5th grader either)!!! How is it that we've gotten to this point. No longer do we simply take some pictures, deliver them to the local Walgreen's, and have prints made to sent to family and friends. Now everything is digital and no one actually sees a printed copy of a picture unless they also have printing capabilities on their computer and can print one for themselves. My peaceful, calm morning has now been turned into one of frustration and feelings of lack!!! Once again I've run into this mountain and I don't know how to get on the other side. AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! So, just to let everyone know, I am here, Sardis Lake, Mississippi, enjoying the coolness of an April day, the wind is blowing, the temperature is 58 degrees and I'm still in my pajamas having my second cuppa (love the British). My djembe is calling to me, so I will probably finish this post and move into some drumming. That will teach this computer.... When I can get someone to show me how to move pictures from my phone to this blog, I'll put some photos in. Until then, stay well, live well, laugh often!!!!

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