Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum, maties!!! Coley and I decided to check out the pirate ship. As you can see, she's a beauty. Built right here in Costa Rica, solid wood with cannons which sound off when she's getting ready to load and depart.
She was designed as a replica of a 1700 Boston Schooner, or something like that. This particular trip was pretty much her maiden voyage.
And, of course we were flying our colors!
This picture, for those of you who read about our Valentine's evening at Vista Azule will remember I said we had an incredible view of Coco Beach and harbor. Well, the white building you see on the hill is Vista Azule, so you can see why the view was spectacular.
Here I am with our Captain. Richard Hook is his name, and he's also the builder of the ship. He also contracts to bring boats to various harbors. Man, what a life. I asked if he needed anyone to cook or swab decks, and he said he had many people offering to do just that. I thought I might have found a part-time job while I was here. Maybe next year.
After anchoring offshore, Capt. Hook brought out the gang plank and several of the more adventuresome guests took the opportunity to jump into the ocean. Coley and I were not in that group. For one thing, the plank didn't look all that big and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get back on board without a big hook to pull me in.
As we got back to Coco Beach, the music began and several people were up and dancing, of course, Coley was right there with them. The guy on her immediate right was one of the most fun and amiable guys we've met. His name is Cerj, and he's from Canada. He had a great sense of humor, loved dancing and Coley and he hit it off really great. He's actually moving to our condo sometime next year, so that might be really fun for us.
There you have it, another fun day in the sun!!! Until we meet again, matey!!!!
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