My day started at 7:30 am when I jumped out of bed to turn the heater and then jumped right back into bed to cuddle up with my blanket for a few more minutes of blissful sleep.
When I finally got up about 8:30a.m., I had a leisurely morning drinking coffee, eating my breakfast of cheese grits and a bagel, and reading Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. If you haven't read this book, it's really so well done. How she got the speaking language so perfect is beyond me, and the story of slavery is so beautifully articulated. My sister, Jenny, loaned me her copy and I'm just about half way through it.
This beautiful woman on the left is my dear friend, Ayn, who took a mental health day to come and play with me at the lake. She arrived about noon and we drove into the big town of Sardis, Mississippi. Believe me, if you blink, you'll miss the town. I had noticed a restaurant that advertised wood-fired pizzas, so we decided to have lunch there. My pizza was the most delicious margherita pizza I've had anywhere, and, yes, it was wood-fired. The restaurant is called TriBeccaAllie and is only open for lunch, until 3pm. For those of you wanting to get out of town for a little day trip, come on down to Sardis, exit 252, turn right and then left at Main St. You can't miss the restaurant down on your left.

Here's Ayn taking a little break on my couch. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing a game called Sequence. It's the best of both the board game world and the card game world. We played about a dozen hands and Ayn will point out that I won the majority of the games, but, we had a great time talking, laughing and playing.
I told Ayn I wanted to take her picture with my symmetricam camera. So here she is with what appears to look like a little alien with eyes looking out at you in the middle of her face and her one tooth. At first I though it looked like a butterfly, but now it's got a body and head and legs and arms. Not to mention the uni-brow. I love it, Ayn!!!

Now, the best picture of all. Here's my friend, Ayn and I, at my dining room table. She is such a sweetheart and she loves my new home. I bet next year I'll get to spend more time with her in my camper. She also likes playing games, so I'm all on board with that.
Only about another week in my camper, then I'll be putting it up for a few months. I'm already setting up places to stay and so far I'm booked through January. So keep up with my blog to see where I'm headed next.
Big hugs to all you people out there who touch my life in so many ways!!!!!