This is my absolute favorite time of the day, when the sun is low in the sky, just about to say "goodnight" and the shadows are long. The light is golden and makes everything soft and dreamy.
As you can see by the pictures, there are no campers close by. I have an unrestricted view of the lake and the beautiful trees. This is really one of the most gorgeous State parks there is. And, if you're a senior, the price is very reasonable, only $10.00 per night. I've reserved my space for the entire month of October, and probably will stay until November 10th.
As all of you know I will not be returning to Costa Rica this winter, so I have a whole season to figure out where and what I'll be doing. There is some thought of going to the gulf and staying around Mobile or the Pensacola/Destin area. I also might just stay at my friends', Carolyn and Glynn's, house.

Look how beautiful. Don't you wish you were here?!!! Hmmmm!!! Even though I got back here and parked my camper on Saturday, I immediately went to pet-sit. So tonight is really my first night back at the lake in my camper. The temperature is supposed to go down into the 40's, but be in the mid to high 70's during the day.
My body feels like it's been run through the wringer. Aches and pains and a feeling of overall tiredness. Isn't it funny, no matter what we do, especially if we're having a really good time doing it, our bodies seem to need more time to retrieve the energy expended. Could it be that I'm getting older? Nah!!!!!
My dinner is just about done cooking. I won't be able to see who gets kicked off Dancing With the Stars, but the show last night was one of the best I've ever seen, and believe me I've seen just about every one.
Stay well, do good work, and remember, I'm just a phone call away!!!
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