Friday, February 17, 2012


I left Memphis at 10am and as soon as I got on the road I called my BFF, Shelia and sang "On the Road Again". I told her how much I was missing her as my road buddy and she agreed she hated she couldn't go. When I hung up I decided to draw some insight from the Osho Zen Tarot and asked Spirit to guide me as to what this emotional stuff was all about. I drew the 5 of Water (Emotions) and my message said: "The young woman (with a block on her head with all kinds of images within it) is so busy clinging to the past, she doesn't see the champage glass behind her beckoning her to enjoy the present moment". It really hit me upside the head and I decided to let myself be in the moment and to see what this weekend has to offer.
I arrived in Irving, Texas at 5pm. Made excellent time considering I arrived in the Dallas area at rush hour.
Got checked into the hotel then drove over to the meeting place for the workshop. I wanted to make sure I knew how to get there. In case you don't remember what I'm doing this weekend, I am participating in a workshop with A.J. Miller and his wife, Mary, from Australia. AJ teaches for an organization called Divine Truth. He also claims he is the reincarnated Jesus. So essentially, I'm going to be in a conference with Jesus and Mary all weekend. Tomorrow I'll fill you in on what I got from the workshop so far.
I left the hotel at about 6pm to head to Whole Foods to get my supper. It was 11 miles from the hotel where the conference is being held. Got there very quickly, purchased my chicken salad and headed back to my Best Western room, about 15 miles away.
I put the address in my Garmin and off I went. Everything went just as expected until I got on the International Parkway headed to the DFW Airport. To say I hit a black hole, would be a mild description of what was happening. If I turned around once, I turned around at least 4 times, trying to find Texas 114S. I finally ended up at a toll booth, after having made another u-turn, and the young man from India was gracious enough to give me some insight as to what direction to head. At this point, I didn't know if I was going or coming, headed North, South, East or West.
Fortunately, I had arrived at a ramp very close to the toll booth and was home within 10 minutes, after having driven for nearly an hour to go those 15 miles.
Champagne dreams!!!

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