How's this for an image. We are in the year of the dragon, which is considered to be a powerful symbol of divine protection and good fortune.
I'm hosting a "Breath of the Dragon" firewalk on April 7 & 8, Easter weekend. What an awesome time to be walking on fire. When Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, we will be celebrating the resurrection of "the Christ" in each of us, as we reconnect with our Higher Power in order to cross the fire. My friend, Chris, came up with this picture of the dragon for my flyer. I'll be e-mailing flyers soon, so keep your eyes open for your personal invite to come and play with me.

A couple of days ago, I was in the grocer store, here in New Orleans. I "happened" to ask a woman in the cheese section a question and she and I began to talk. It turns out she is getting ready to record a CD, in Nashville, of John Denver songs. She performs at the John Denver celebrations in Aspen, Colorado every year. What an amazing woman, in fact, she mentioned a song that was going to be on her CD and I didn't recognize it. She started singing to me right there in front of the cheese section. As she was singing, I felt as though John Denver was right there, somehow singing in the background. I could see his smiling face shining through hers. I told her what happened for me and I got chills as I said it. Her name is Cathy Gianfala-Carriere, so file that away and check for her CD coming out, I hope very soon.
So, country roads take me home, to the place I belong!!!
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