OK. here it is, proof I've been wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses. Never did that in Memphis, but here I'm really letting myself enjoy being free to choose any style. The dress I have on is the one that kept turning my arms, hands, and as I discovered later, my underwear.

Just to the left is Coley eating her first piece of sugarcane. Looks like it put a smile on her face!!!

More iguanas, you can see the orange color which means these are two males in season, looking for a mate.

Lest there be any doubt about me having a monkey on my back, well, the proof is in the picture.
The one where I am looking down and so is the monkey, we were both looking at a piece of sugarcane. The monkey won!!!!
Now,for a bit of news. Today Coley had an appointment in Liberia for an ultrasound test. She thought her gallbladder was acting up, so the doctor sent her for the test. The great news is, it's not her gallbladder. That's a huge relief for both of us. We're not sure what the problem is, further investigation is forthcoming. Please hold her in your prayers and see her in the perfect Light and Being that she is!!! Blessings and Love to each of you!!!
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