How's this for a different way to advertise. The sign in lights says: Imperial 5.15 en Luperone, which is the local grocery store advertising the beer sale (Imperial). This was a sign just outside of Zi's Lounge where Coley and I sat on Thursday night to watch the parade come down the only street in Playas del Coco.

Later we went to a bar/restaurant right on the beach called Beach Bum Bar to watch this band becaue the lead guitarist and singer in the center was our neighbor for two months. His name is Miguel Cabrera and he was voted songwriter of the year in 2009. The beach is behind the bandstand and we really enjoyed hearing him. I told his wife, Arianna, I would have enjoyed it so much more if I understood Spanish, but we did love the talent of the band.
So, Coley decided this morning to wear the bathing suit I brought to her, which obviously is the same as mine (can't get away from that twin thing). So for the final day of 2010, Coley and I started our doing an awesome water aerobics class where our instructor worked our a...... off, and believe Coley and I have some a..... to work off.
We totally love the class and the instructor, Susanna. Any of you planning on coming down would really enjoy the class, but especiallly the setting and the scenery. Even if you don't join in the class, they have wonderful chairs to sit in to watch until we're done. Now, it doesn't get any more fun than that, huh!!!!!

And now, here's the perfect picture of me and Coley this New Year's Eve. We each have on our "costume" for the evening, Coley in her dress, all dolled up to out on the town and celebrate. To share in the playfulness of the night and to watch the fireworks on the beach. My "costume" is my t-shirt/pj shirt ready to flow into the evening of channel surfing. Perhaps I'll be awake to bring in the New Year, but that might be too much of a longshot. We will see!!!!!

This is our friend, Linda, who came by with her three kids and husband to share in some of the festivities of the evening. After Coley left to meet friends, Linda and her husband, Mark, along with Terry, Lily's grandfather, and Joshua, Linda's son, and I gathered in a circle and chanted the Danyavad chant. Naturally it was led by me, who else!!! But it was a beautiful finish for my evening with people. The most charming aspect was Joshua, so willing to participate 100%, and he's coming into the 6th grade. He's amazing!!!!!
My message for myself for 2011 can be summed up in one word "flowering". I have planted the seeds of my life, I have nurtured them, and now I can sit back and watch the flowering of my life take place. For each of you, as I sit here typing this I see your face in my mind, I say simply, you are the director, the actor, the playwright of your life. Let 2011 be about living fully and completely in each moment, staying in the flow and allowing yourself the pleasure of flowering.
Feliz Nuevo Anos!!! Happy New Year!!! I send you my love!!!
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