As of today, I am still at my sister's house in Georgetown, Delaware. We are preparing for the arrival of our oldest sister, Jenny and her husband, Larry, this weekend. I've been busy cleaning, from top to bottom, Sandy and Tom's home. You can imagine with all the dogs house much cleaning needs to be done.
Although it's really a long, drawn out process, I am really happy to be here to help get this done. What with Tom's poor health, right now, and Sandy's schedule of work, dog shows and dog trainings, she is completely wiped out when she finally gets to a point where she can sit down for a few minutes.
For those of you who don't know, Sandy went to St. Louis a few weeks to take the test to be a judge at agility trials. She learned from one of the testers that very few pass this test the first time, but Sandy did and now is qualified to judge the trials. I believe she'll be getting into this area and not competing as much.
The above picture is our friend, Joy, who also competes in agility and teaches as well. I met her several years ago when she came to Sandy's to participate in the firewalk along with all my sisters. She also competed in the latest agility trial this past weekend. We had hoped Sandy and Rosie, her 13 year old German shorthaired pointer, would make her final double Q, but she did not. Once she earns this final double Q, Rosie will have her MACH V title, which is Master Agility Champion. One of Sandy's students, Don, and his labradoodle earned their first MACH I over the weekend. The dog is so beautiful and has the best temperament around people and dogs. Sorry I didn't get a picture of them.

This Joy's dog, Triton, she competes with. I just love this picture with Triton staring out the window watching the cat and the puppies trying to figure out what he is. Sandy and Tom have a male named Lightning who is in a kennel just to the right of this picture. When the puppies come in they each ease over to look at him and he begins to bark at them which sends them off scurrying back to safety.
I finally found an RV place to look at my camper and I have an appointment on Monday morning next. Please keep me in your prayers for this work to be done efficiently, quickly and with little strain on my pocketbook. I'm looking forward to being back in my little home on wheels.
Coley, have a safe trip and give Calleen a hug from me. I hope you get to see everyone you hope to and have a ball at the same time!!! Freckles, welcome back home!!! I know you're glad to be back and I'm sure Mike is thrilled as well.
Time to get to work to finish my cleaning. Sending hugs to all my family and friends!!!!
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