This has been an interesting week. Sandy approached me last week and asked if I'd be interested in doing some data entry for Nanticoke Hospital's IT Department. I told her I'd be glad to do some work so yesterday and today I was up at 6 a.m., haven't done that since I retired last August.
We arrived at her office and immediately I was put to work transferring files from one area of the computer to another. For nearly seven hours, I sat in front of a computer and managed to get through seven pages of spread sheets, put into an Excell program. I not only had to make sure all of what was on the spread sheet got entered, but also had to make sure the temporary files that weren't on the spread sheet got transferred as well. To give you an idea, there were 80 entries for the Emergency Department alone. Here's Sandy just moments away from us leaving for the day today, at 12:30 pm. I was sitting directly in front of her cubicle, easy for us to talk back and forth, although there wasn't alot of that going on, we both had alot to get done in a short period of time.
Jody, Sandy's boss who asked if I wanted to do this work (all voluntary) left to go on vacation today and she was so happy to have all this data entry work completed before she left. I felt like I'd done my good deed in helping to make her vacation more enjoyable.
This is one of two walls on either side of Sandy's cubicle. She told me the story of telling one of the ladies she worked with that she was going to put beads up across her "doorway", so these beads were the woman's daughters and when she left to go to college, the woman brought them to Sandy. They are quite colorfull. The pictures are naturally of Rosie, Sandy's all-time favorite dog, the one who has earned her MACH I, II, III and IV (Master Agility Champion). This weekend Sandy has taken her to Virginia and with any good fortune with finish with her final "double Q", meaning she runs two separate agility courses and gets a qualifying run in each. If she does that she'll have earned her MACH V title. So far there are no German Shorthaired Pointers to earn that title, Rosie will be the first.

Keep your fingers crossed and if you're really lucky, I'll have a picture of the world's largest frying pan from the Chicken Festival this weekend, yes, right here in Georgetown.
For all the men in my life, family of origen, family of choice and my male friends, I say happy Father's Day to you. It is a day we honor those men who have touched our lives in some way. I have been fortunate to have many male friends and family members who have given me much love. With Sandy gone this weekend and Tom's two sons unable to come over for the day, I plan to make his favorite breakfast of french toast with bacon. Then I'm going to try to talk him into going to the movies with me. I hope your day is filled with the pleasure of honoring or being honored. My love to all of you!!!!!
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