I had been told the view from this particular point in Cape Elizabeth had the absolute view of the Atlantic of any place in Maine.
It's near Two Lights State Park, so named for the two lighthouses in the area. Both can be seen from a place called Two Lights Lobster Shack, known for its spectacular view and the food is very tasty, as well.
Here is one of the lighthouses.
My buddies, Lynn, Judy, Cathy, and Ted. My last get together with all of them. We ordered our meals of lobster rolls, haddock sandwich, clam cakes, and Maine shrimp. Mmmmmm good!!!
Here's the other lighthouse, way in the background. Lynn said they probably are no longer being used, otherwise we'd be seeing lights turning in the top, and we never saw one.
The Portland Lighthouse is just around the bend, also in Cape Elizabeth.
You can see by the sky, we had another gorgeous day in Maine, weather a little cool, but felt wonderful.
Now, you can see the view, with large rocks down below, all of them look just like petrified wood, but I don't know what kind of stone it is. The tide had started to come in while we were sitting at the picnic tables so the waves were crashing into the rocks, sometimes sounding like thunder coming in.
This was a very bittersweet afternoon. When we left the restaurant, we all parted company to go our separate ways. Lynn and Judy did follow me to my camper and stayed to have a shot of Fleur de Cana, a deep, dark rum from Nicaragua.
I'm here, packing and planning to hit the road on Tuesday. I'm headed for Delaware and sister, Sandy's home. So off I go. Back real soon!!! See ya' later, bye!!!!