Sunday, September 25, 2011


Last night we had a wonderful time celebrating Doug's 40th birthday, along with his mother-in-law, Lin's, 60th birthday, and his step-aunt, Dawn's, 50th birthday. Here are some of the pictures of the event. Doug's wife, Heather, put together the "island" celebration with a smoked pig and all the fixings.

To the far right is Madison with her Dad, Doug.

Just above is Heather and Doug and to the right is Sandy and Tom, who played "I don't want my picture made" all night. By this time Sandy and I are having a good time trying to catch him, which I finally did, but I did not include the picture in this tale.
Here's my sweet great niece, Madison, entertaining herself at the party. She played the entire time we were there, mostly with her walker, but eventually getting into her wheelchair. She's something else!!!

Then, of course, there's Zachary. Here he's showing off his purple tongue from eating cake icing. What a powerhouse of energy. He never stops, but he's got a great personality, except when he's running trucks over people, or knocking his sister down, which we heard he did once. I guess boys will be boys, but he's definitely a cutie. Doug says he has his hands full and Tom says "it can't be as bad as when you and your brother were little!" Seems to be some disagreement as to who had or has it worse. Let's ask the Moms!!!
Anybody out there, hope you guys are enjoying the pictures and the stories. Love ya!!!

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