The plaque reads "A piece of the stone on which the Blessed Mother appeared in Lourdes, France". This was placed on the right hand wall of the grotto as you begin to ascend the stairs to come upto the altar.
This is my dear friend, Cathy, who I met in the mid-'90's and who, when the vision for Tepeyolloti Retreats came to me in 2000, she contacted me to let me know she had just purchased 60 acres of land at the back of Lookout Mountain, in Mentone, Alabama. She offered me the most beautiful location to lead firewalks, and also helped me lead a silent retreat one year. Today, she went to pray for a dear friend of hers who is dying of cancer. It's been a rough couple of weeks, and being in this place offered some peace of mind.
Here we both are together. From this place we left the Guest House and headed back to my camper. At this moment, Cathy and Ted have taken the opportunity to lie down for a little while. None of us slept very well last night. There must be some sort of residual energy left in the residences, because both nights I experienced nightmares, so much so, that last night I tossed and turned and literally woke myself up crying. I'm sure tonight I'll be able to sleep very well and perhaps have a beautiful dream as well.
Sweet dreams, dear ones, and know that I think of you often and send love always!!!!!
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