Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 CEREMONY DAY!!!

My friend, Shelia, and I drove to Hot Springs, Arkansas to celebrate, with ceremony, this auspicious day. We started out by becoming so engrossed in what we were doing in the truck (talking, drawing an Osho Zen Tarot card, etc) we completely missed Forest City (our pit-stop). We literally time shifted ourselves practically to Little Rock in no time at all.
Just east of the I-30 Junction, we saw a sign "Toltec Archaeological Mounds" and we decided to go. Neither of us had been and what a good place to do ceremony. It turned out we set our intention at exactly 11:11am in my truck by lighting a candle. We did pass this sign and both of us thought "really, Toltec Baptist". Something just doesn't ring right with that?????
We finally made it to the condos. Here we are standing on our deck with the water in the background. Too cool!!!!!
We got checked in , dropped off our stuff and headed to Lake Ouachita State Park for our official ceremony. We had all the accoutrement, candles, crystals, lottery ticket, affirmations, etc. We had the most beautiful day, the weather was perfect and the place we found had no other people there, so we could chant and sing and offer up prayers undisturbed.
As we got up to leave,Shelia and I both got tickled. We started to laugh and for Shelia, she laughed so hard tears ran down her leg. We got back to my truck and we had to do a little "rearranging" of her clothes in order for her to sit on my front seat. "Unh, unh, girlfriend, none of that on my new truck seat!!!
Here's a picture of the lake area with the sun going down in the west. It was so much more beautiful than this pictures shows, but I hope you get a little idea.
One other thing, Shelia and I wrote down many of the "messages" we got today and two drop-ins were Inca, Shelia's dog who passed recently and my Mom, Effie. I've never seen the word "Effie" ever on any highway signs until today. So thanks, Mom, for checking into my day. Loved having you here with me!!!
HAPPY 11-11-11 DAY TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

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