2 of Fire, POSSIBILITIES and,
HIGH and HOLY weekend.
All messages Shelia and I received for our 11-11-11 weekend.
Each message guided us to remember each of those vibrations - everything possible when we remember to listen to our inner voice and reach for the Highest and Holiest thought/feeling/emotion.
The picture on the left was taken in our living room with (again what's my fav Fx feature?!!!!) symmetricam. Isn't it interesting there appears to be something like a sword in the middle of two hearts. HMMMMM!!!! Love the magic and miracles occurring when I get out of my own way!!!

Our last morning, I got up a little before Shelia, made coffee, took some to her as I woke her for our final day, and, I headed out to the dock to see the sun as it peeked through the clouds. Coley, I was transported back to Costa Rica and us spending every morning on our porch, drinking coffee and usually ending with a game of some sort. Are you still not going to play FARKLE with me?!
At this moment, I am sitting at my Little Buddy's (Beverly) table in New Orleans. Just got here in time to make Taco Salad for our dinner while she gets her nails done. I'll be here for a few days!!!
Thanks for the well-wishes to have a joyful, safe, sweet and easy trip. I certainly did!!!!
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