He still works where I just retired from and he's pretty well worn down by all the bureaucracy and bulldookie that wore me down. Unfortunately, he still has a number of years to go before he can retire.
On to another subject, I recently was called to task for, what I call, my "spiritual arrogance". I was with my friend, Shelia, and at various times pointed out ways she could do something better, more consciously, my way, well, you get the picture. She quite pointedly said "stop that, you sound just like my mother!!!" It stopped me in my tracks and I apologized. I promised to really stop my criticism and to allow her to make her own choices. I've done very well since then.
It does, however, give me pause for thought. With all the hullabaloo about the 2012 mystery dealing with the ending of the Mayan calendar, my feeling is that we are all being "challenged" to live a higher ideal of our lives. I believe this year, for me anyway, I am being called to "love my brother as myself", to really practice loving each person exactly as they are, and to honor where we have each "planted" ourselves. I am seeking to hold my judgment, and to speak from the heart with the wisdom found only when I seek a higher vision of myself and others. So, I ask each of you to please call me to task if you hear me criticizing, judging, or speaking less than comments about myself or others. I hope to be able to say a heartfelt "namaste" (meaning, the God in me sees and honors the God in you) to every Holy Being who crosses my path!!!
On that note, I say to each of you reading this" NAMASTE'!!!!!
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