I said I'd do it, and I did it!! Here's the picture of the ceiling light in our casual dining room. You see why I said it looks like a "coolie" hat. The "dots" look like those discs that come from a plant called the "silver dollar" plant. I actually knew someone who had one of these plants here in Memphis. When they are ready to be picked, you rub the "leaf" between your fingers and the outer skin falls away and the white "silver dollar" disc is left behind.

This was a day of doing spiritual things. We got up early and drove into Memphis to participate in a writing class. The woman who facilitated, Elaine, asked the question "now it is a new year, I hope to begin? or I hope to end?"
She wrote a wonderful piece about living with radical trust. The trust you see in the animal world or watching the bird world, where all their food, finding shelter, mating, etc., is provided by Nature. They live radically trusting that their needs will be met. How many other ways can we "radically trust", or not? In portions of my life, I know that I'm radically trusting in being surrounded by a loving God, that I am safe and that absolutely nothing happens to me that God doesn't already know about. It is a concept worth thinking about...
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