What an amazing weekend it was for all of us. After a week of dealing with some pretty intense emotions, we all arrived at the location really ready and excited about the upcoming event. There were 7 of us at the workshop. To the far left is Marty who offered up her spacious home and grounds for the event. There she is showing off her beautiful spirit arrow and to her right is Dawn, who drove all the way from St. Louis to attend. Look at that cute face and her beautiful arrow. Every one broke their arrow and everyone walked the fire, many more than once. The energies all weekend were incredibly cohesive, almost as if we were one mind.

Here is one of my fire tenders with her flagship flag. At this workshop she decided to call her fishing boat "Spirit Walker" and her arrow will be on her boat as her flag. Just below is another firewalker who arrived a little late, but certainly made up for it during the evening. At one point he shared with the group a little of his experience of participating in the ayahuasca ceremony within the past two weeks. Out of that experience he realized his heart had fully opened and he shared his beautiful heart with all of us. This is Cody.
One of the most amazing moments came as we were closing the circle for the last time. I asked each of them to give a one word description of their experience and after we all gave our word, I asked what Shirley's word would be, but she couldn't be with us on Sunday. Dawn offered the word "power" and several replied at the same time, "yes" that's it. As I finished the prayer of thanksgiving, I looked at each of the people in the circle and said "I don't want to let go!" Everyone felt the same, we did not want the experience to end. What an amazing group, an amazing firewalk, an amazing weekend. Thanks to all of you who held us in your thoughts to help hold the energy for the weekend. Love you!!!
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