Monday, April 30, 2012


Last night I spent the first night, since October of last year, in my camper.  How sweet it was.  Here's a picture of the quilt my friend, Cathy, gave me last year after I said I'd always wanted a quilt, but I didn't have any women relatives who had made or even had a quilt.

 It was so comfortable sleeping in my own bed.  In fact, I crawled into my bed about 9pm last night, read for about an hour then turned off my Kindle to go to sleep.  I don't even remember falling asleep, that's how tired I was.  This morning, as the sun began to shine in my windows, I dozed off and on.  I knew I was going to drive to New Orleans today, but I didn't have to leave any time soon since my friend, Beverly, was working and wouldn't be home until 9pm tonight.  So I wallowed in my bed, enjoying the fact I could sleep in.  After about an hour of catnapping, off and on, I finally decided to get up.  I figured it was at least 9am, perhaps later, so out of bed I sprang.  I stepped down into the living room, turned to look at the clock, and it was 7:35 in the morning.  So much for lollygagging in bed.  I really had a good chuckle about that.

I'm now in New Orleans, got here about 4pm, dropped off some of my things and headed to the nail salon.  My nails are done, I've had a nice hot shower, and I've folded one load of clothes and put them away, have another load drying and one washing.  I've been very productive for only being here about an hour and a half.

I leave for Florida tomorrow morning.  I've got about a 10 1/2 hour drive to get to Palm Coast, Florida

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