You've heard me talk about my spiritual mentor, Edwene Gaines. Well, here she is with me at the Forgiveness Retreat at Edwene's center called Rockridge Retreat. She has a wonderful piece of property in Valleyhead, Alabama, just below Mentone,Alabama. I'm sure I've already written about my experience and the awesome piece of work I got to do with Edwene. Please note the "halo" circling my head, lest there be any doubt about me being an "angel". (Just kidding!!!)
As Teresa and I were driving around Mentone, we came across this tree with the most unusual look to it. Kind of looks like a horses head, doesn't it. This was found in front of a church on one of the smaller, less traveled roads.
I'm now in Ohio, having arrived on Friday last. My trip to North Carolina was most fulfilling and I have scheduled another firewalk to be held the weekend after Labor Day. I also found the perfect retreat center, called Sacred Grove Retreat. The owner is a woman named Ellen Whiteside and she and I hit it off immediately.
My dream of having an advanced workshop for firewalkers is finally coming to fruition. The weekend of October 5, 6, and 7th I will be hosting a residential retreat I'm calling "In Praise of Fire". If all goes well, my friend, Bowden, is going to help facilitate the workshop with me. I am soooooooo excited about this opportunity to bring this work to a whole new level.
I had to put this picture in. I may have already put this guy into one of my other blogs, but he has such a great personality. Every time I've been to Edwene's retreat center, this guy is in one of the fields on the road leading up to her place. If you stop your car and talk to him, he lets out this really loud bray as if he's talking to you. My friend Shelia says this is her "boyfriend". Look at that sweet face. How can you not fall in love with this guy!!!
As I prepare for this amazing workshop this fall, this is what my energy looks and feels like. I'm filled with excitement, dread, optimism, fear, you name it, I'm going through it right now. The good news is that I'm with my family and they certainly bring me into a totally different awareness and perspective on my life. I am so enjoying being able to sit and play cards and games with my family.
With that in mind, please remember how much fun it is to play with your family and friends. Life is way too short not to have fun!!! So plan a get-together and start playing something!!! You'll be so glad you did!!!
Peace Out!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Last night I stayed at Chris' house. This is Chris on the left, with the beard. I met him through my friend, Douglas, and he attended his first-ever firewalk workshop, and I'm happy to report everyone pictured here walked the fire for the first time.
I called the workshop "Standing In Your Power" and focused the work on the throat chakra. The throat is where many of us hold our emotional blockages. For some of us, especially women, we've been told to "shut up", "who cares what you think, feel, need...etc.", and other like-minded statements designed to make us feel inadequate in some way.
Since the throat represents "speaking our truth" this is where we take back our power and speak the truth of who we really are. Is this an easy thing to do? Not if you're holding in and being fearful about who you are and how others perceive you in your world.
The young man on the left is Brian. A man of few words but a beautiful spirit. He wants to be a "healer" and when he put his arrow together on Saturday morning, his explanation of why he wrapped it the way he did, was simply "Look, I healed it!" That was it, plain and simple. We all got a big laugh out of that!!!
Here's Reem, Brian's girlfriend. She's from the Sudan, and also, a gentle spirit. She told the group on Saturday she was Muslim, and I asked her if she'd offer up a prayer. She asked if I wanted it to be in English or Arabic, and I said "both!" It was the most beautiful prayer and when she spoke the prayer in Arabic I got chill bumps. This is what this work is all about for me, bringing people together in a setting that enables each of us to recogize how alike we all are, with the same fears and the same challenges. Reem also mentioned she'd like to do the advanced workshop in October, which excites me.
This is Melissa. She told us the story of really having alot of fear about coming to the firewalk until her 18 year old daughter said to her "Mom, you have to go because we look up to you to model these things for us!" This is not the first time a child of a parent has said something so wise that the parent has then stepped through the doorway of their own fear in order to bring the experience back to their family.
Finally, here's Amie. A gentle, lovin spirit who is, like all of us, trying to find her way. She touched my heart, I believe, the most. Her struggle is about finding her own home and being alone. I remember when I moved into my own apartment on Madison, how very hard it was for me. The first year I was there, I had no phone, and I hermited myself. I didn't want anyone to be able to get in touch with me. I went to work, I came home. Finally, I started to really enjoy my surroundings and ended up staying in that space for 24 years. I know Amie will find her strength as well and will find out just how powerful she really is. So, to all these wonderful people I again say "thank you!!!" for having the courage and the spirit to follow your heart. I am deeply honored!!!
Last night I stayed at Chris' house. This is Chris on the left, with the beard. I met him through my friend, Douglas, and he attended his first-ever firewalk workshop, and I'm happy to report everyone pictured here walked the fire for the first time.
I called the workshop "Standing In Your Power" and focused the work on the throat chakra. The throat is where many of us hold our emotional blockages. For some of us, especially women, we've been told to "shut up", "who cares what you think, feel, need...etc.", and other like-minded statements designed to make us feel inadequate in some way.
Since the throat represents "speaking our truth" this is where we take back our power and speak the truth of who we really are. Is this an easy thing to do? Not if you're holding in and being fearful about who you are and how others perceive you in your world.
The young man on the left is Brian. A man of few words but a beautiful spirit. He wants to be a "healer" and when he put his arrow together on Saturday morning, his explanation of why he wrapped it the way he did, was simply "Look, I healed it!" That was it, plain and simple. We all got a big laugh out of that!!!
Here's Reem, Brian's girlfriend. She's from the Sudan, and also, a gentle spirit. She told the group on Saturday she was Muslim, and I asked her if she'd offer up a prayer. She asked if I wanted it to be in English or Arabic, and I said "both!" It was the most beautiful prayer and when she spoke the prayer in Arabic I got chill bumps. This is what this work is all about for me, bringing people together in a setting that enables each of us to recogize how alike we all are, with the same fears and the same challenges. Reem also mentioned she'd like to do the advanced workshop in October, which excites me.
This is Melissa. She told us the story of really having alot of fear about coming to the firewalk until her 18 year old daughter said to her "Mom, you have to go because we look up to you to model these things for us!" This is not the first time a child of a parent has said something so wise that the parent has then stepped through the doorway of their own fear in order to bring the experience back to their family.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Yesterday, June 12th, I left Fall Creek Falls about 8:20 in the morning, headed for North Carolina. The journey was a little less than 300 miles, and it took me until 4:30 to finally get to the Dan Nicholas State Park. My site is #42, it's a pull through and right on the corner. A beautiful wooded lot, as you can tell by the picture to the left. This is my friend, Douglas, who I originally met in St. Louis, Mo. He now lives in Salisbury, NC, which is where the park is.
I love this shot. When I first looked at it, I saw a houseboat being reflected in the water. It rained last night, so it was really soothing to sleep and to hear the rain tapping on the roof. I'm taking it somewhat easy today. On Friday, I'll be facilitating a firewalk here in Salisbury. There are supposed to be about 8-10 people there and a man, who I have not met yet, is offering his place for me to do this work. He is also hosting a Fire Puja on Saturday afternoon, so I hope to be able to attend that. It will be facilitated by some Tibetan monks who are traveling in the USA right now.

My last post, with the pictures of the fire, only posted the very first part of my musings on the fire we had created. Sorry about that! It's been quite the challenge trying to get onto the internet and also to talk on the phone. My prayer partner, Cathy have been trying for several days to accomplish a prayer session, but so far that has not happened. For those of you who know Cathy and Ted, the owners of Heartwood Retreat Center in northeastern Alabama, and the place where I did my firewalks, they have just purchased an acre of land in Decora, Iowa. I hope to visit that area around the middle of July to see what it feels like.
Until we meet again, stay well, stay happy and remember to be the peace you'd like to see in the world.!!!!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Two nights ago, Teresa and I built a fire and sat around it for several hours. We were still processing our feelings and the energy of the Forgiveness Workshop we had participated in just a couple of days before.
Every fire has it's own character and energy, especially when through the lens of a camera. To the left is what appears to be a serpent curled around the fire.
Every fire has it's own character and energy, especially when through the lens of a camera. To the left is what appears to be a serpent curled around the fire.
Monday, June 4, 2012
I just finished participating in a Forgiveness Retreat held at Rock Ridge Retreat Center. I came with the intention of removing some old "stuff" and hopefully planting the seed of total healing. For the past 6 years I've developed a severe case of eczema, so painful at times I've contemplated the possibility of moving out of my physical body.
As I was sitting in the workshop room, with about 25 other women, a phrase passed into my mind --- "you've swallowed your anger". In that moment I knew this was exactly what I had done, taken an incident and truly held it in, swallowing it up. At that moment, I raised my hand to express these thoughts and a whole lot of anger and rage came up. My dear friend, spiritual mentor, sister spirit, and facilitator of this workshop, offered to role play with me. Without going into any of the details,which are only important to me, I was able to release quite a bit of the energy that I had held inside for all these years.
Last night, we finished the weekend with a firewalk. As we circled the fire seeking our guidance about whether or not it was for each of us to walk, I heard "it is yours to do!" I know, through all my experiences of firewalking, God has my back and supports me in traveling this path (of fire). So, across the coals I went. When I stepped back into the circle an enormous amount of emotional energy went through my body and I started to cry. What I realized was that even though I know God works with me and through me, there is still the seed of an old message of "not being good enough, or worthy enough". You see, my intention in walking this fire was for a deep healing of my body. Hence, the doubt! So I asked again whether or not to cross the fire and again I heard "it is yours to do!" For the second time I crossed the fire with the intention of the fire healing me at depth. Again, as I stepped back into the circle, the emotions sprang up, and so I asked again, "am I complete?" and I heard, "three is the Holy Trinity, complete it!" Three times I crossed the fire asking to be healed at depth. Whether or not it has happened, the seed was planted this night and in deepest gratitude I accept and give thanks for this!!!!
Along this same train of thought, I received information about a commencement speech that was given at the University of Pennsylvania this year. Please check out the talk at this website: It's one man's reflections on walking a path through India. In peace, I send love!!!
As I was sitting in the workshop room, with about 25 other women, a phrase passed into my mind --- "you've swallowed your anger". In that moment I knew this was exactly what I had done, taken an incident and truly held it in, swallowing it up. At that moment, I raised my hand to express these thoughts and a whole lot of anger and rage came up. My dear friend, spiritual mentor, sister spirit, and facilitator of this workshop, offered to role play with me. Without going into any of the details,which are only important to me, I was able to release quite a bit of the energy that I had held inside for all these years.
Last night, we finished the weekend with a firewalk. As we circled the fire seeking our guidance about whether or not it was for each of us to walk, I heard "it is yours to do!" I know, through all my experiences of firewalking, God has my back and supports me in traveling this path (of fire). So, across the coals I went. When I stepped back into the circle an enormous amount of emotional energy went through my body and I started to cry. What I realized was that even though I know God works with me and through me, there is still the seed of an old message of "not being good enough, or worthy enough". You see, my intention in walking this fire was for a deep healing of my body. Hence, the doubt! So I asked again whether or not to cross the fire and again I heard "it is yours to do!" For the second time I crossed the fire with the intention of the fire healing me at depth. Again, as I stepped back into the circle, the emotions sprang up, and so I asked again, "am I complete?" and I heard, "three is the Holy Trinity, complete it!" Three times I crossed the fire asking to be healed at depth. Whether or not it has happened, the seed was planted this night and in deepest gratitude I accept and give thanks for this!!!!
Along this same train of thought, I received information about a commencement speech that was given at the University of Pennsylvania this year. Please check out the talk at this website: It's one man's reflections on walking a path through India. In peace, I send love!!!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Many of you may know I had lithotrypsy (sp?) done last week to break up another kidney stone. What you don't know is that I was scheduled to leave Sardis Lake, Mississippi on Tuesday morning, bright and early, headed to Fall Creek Falls in middle Tennessee. The night before my departure, I went to bed with shooting pains in what felt like the bladder area. I thought I might have a bladder infection. So, in the middle of the night I made the decision to go to the urologist, bright and early, and have it checked. The good news is I woke up feeling so much better and did go to the doctor. Was in the office by 8am and left a urine sample and was gone within 30 minutes. I was able to get on the road by 11:30 am, later than planned, but I still had only about a 6.5 hour drive.
Shelia, you see in this picture, he has just let out this extrememely loud bray and at the end I caught him with his mouth open. You can just imagine him talking to us.
I have been somewhat out of communicado being up at Fall Creek Falls. There is very little phone service and my internet access is very sketchy. This particular blog is being written at Cathy and Ted's.
Hope everyone is having blessed days and gentle nights. I love each and every one of you!!!
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