Many of you may know I had lithotrypsy (sp?) done last week to break up another kidney stone. What you don't know is that I was scheduled to leave Sardis Lake, Mississippi on Tuesday morning, bright and early, headed to Fall Creek Falls in middle Tennessee. The night before my departure, I went to bed with shooting pains in what felt like the bladder area. I thought I might have a bladder infection. So, in the middle of the night I made the decision to go to the urologist, bright and early, and have it checked. The good news is I woke up feeling so much better and did go to the doctor. Was in the office by 8am and left a urine sample and was gone within 30 minutes. I was able to get on the road by 11:30 am, later than planned, but I still had only about a 6.5 hour drive.
Shelia, you see in this picture, he has just let out this extrememely loud bray and at the end I caught him with his mouth open. You can just imagine him talking to us.
I have been somewhat out of communicado being up at Fall Creek Falls. There is very little phone service and my internet access is very sketchy. This particular blog is being written at Cathy and Ted's.
Hope everyone is having blessed days and gentle nights. I love each and every one of you!!!
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