I spent the weekend in Nashville with my friend, Shelia and her grandson, Jared and his mom, Michelle. Michelle has undergone a stem cell transplant and she is doing so great. In fact, in that type of transplant, the body literally converts totally to the new DNA, so Michelle has gone from O+ to A+ blood. She's really feeling great and we're so happy she's doing so well.
Shelia and I had such a great time spending literally hours playing different games. Today was no exception even though I planned to return to my camper. Shelia had taken a pill to relax last night and this morning I woke her up at about 11:30 am and said "Shelia, it's nearly 11:30, are you going to get up?" She opened one eye, barely, and said "what happens at 11:30?" and proceeded to go back to sleep. About this same time I called and found out my Mom had very successfully come through having her knee totally replaced. She's doing great and I was so happy to hear her voice!

Then a couple of hours later I learned my twin, Coley, was hired for a company she really wanted to go to work for. Coley believes she got the job because we (her sisters) were fervently praying she would so she wouldn't have to come live with one of us. She laughed when she told me that, but I think she really believes it!!! Finally, when I got back to my camper, I was able to watch the final two events in the medals competition in women's gymnastics at the Olympics. How about the Fab 5!!! What a wonderful display of athleticism and determination!!! Then to watch Michael Phelps and his team win the gold in the 800 meter free-style competition. Michael Phelps now the most awarded Olympian of all times with 19 total medals, 15 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze, and he's not done yet. WOW!!! What an amazingly blessed day in so many ways!! I'm sitting here at 11:40pm, writing this blog and I have the biggest s...eating grin on my face. Believe me, I'm going to bed with a smile tonight. All is right in my world!!!
(Shelia: the Parthenon of Greece was completed about 438 bc and was dedicated to the Goddess Athena. Here's a little known fact, in the 5th century AD, the Parthenon was converted into a Catholic church dedicated to the Virgin Mary!!! Thanks for playing with me!!! I love you!!)
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