Thursday, July 26, 2012


 I've been in the Nashville area for a week today.  The weather has been hot, as it is across the country.  I've spent the past two days in my camper enjoying some much needed down time.  I know it seems pretty funny to be saying I need some down time, especially since I don't work, but it goes without saying, when you're used to spending your time at a very leisurely pace, and that pace is increased by spending time with family or friends, then your body really needs to relax and regroup. 

Today I'm reflecting on family and friends.  Several tv shows this morning spoke about the tragedy in Colorado at the airing of the new Batman movie.  The greatest tragedy is losing a loved one so quickly there was no time to say "goodbye" and "I love you".  Knowing this is always a possibility in our lives, I say to each of you "I LOVE YOU!!!"

In my reflection on family and friends, I then thought about these pictures which were taken while I spent time in Iowa.  Yes, these are some of my favorite people, all of which are related to me.  I won't name names but each one saw the pictures pictured here and they thought they were totally amusing.

The top picture is definitely a favorite aunt.  In this picture  it looks like an anegelic figure sitting in the middle of her legs and out of her head it appears that she's a "unicorn".  Yes, I always knew she was a magical creature!!!

Below that is her son and I call this my "Beetlejuice" imitation.  In the above-mentioned movie Johnny Depp's head shrinks on his shoulders.  Well, my cousin really has a head, it's just so small now you can't see it.  There does appear to be what looks like a creature sitting directly in front of him. 

Now, this is an interesting picture of one of my brothers-in-law.  I said to him after I looked at the picture "you need to get your head out of your a..!"  His wife laughed alot at this picture.
But, the greatest fun we had and the most hysterical laughter I've had in a long time came when this picture was created.  We had enjoyed the most wonderful dinner at her home and then I asked if I could take a picture.  Using the symmetricam feature on my camera, this is what happened.  We're all still asking "what the heck is that hanging between your legs???"

Her daughter-in-law asked me to e-mail it and she made a copy.  Might just end up as a Christmas present??!!

To all my subjects, I say "thank you" for laughing with me and for allowing me to enjoy them over and over.   I hope you really enjoy them again!!!

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