Sunday, April 15, 2012


Yesterday morning I took my twin to the airport for her trip back to New Mexico. Once again, I am here in New Orleans all by myself wishing she was still here. As I lay in bed last night, I realized I had not played a single game all day. While Coley was here, we played every day, either cards or a board game. There were times when she would win almost every game, and there were times when I would. Mostly it was back and forth.
Here she is in her brand new top. She had gotten up about 4:30 to get ready and she looked so pretty. She had to be at the airport about 6:00, so I got up at 5:00 and believe me, I did not look so pretty. I threw on some clothes, fixed me a cup of coffee and off we went. I did not even brush my teeth before leaving for the airport.
I hope there will be a time when Coley will come and stay with me in my camper and we can travel around some. Knowing Coley, though, I'm betting she'll be in a relationship and her traveling will be with her partner. Of course, I can always hope that I'll be in a relationship also and that my traveling will be with him too. Who knows, miracles happen every day!
I miss you Coley!!! I hope your return to New Mexico will be a happy experience for you and that all your dreams come true!!! No matter what, you will always have a home to come to---- mine!!!

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