Saturday, April 21, 2012


 I am at the ADL (Alliance of Divine Love) Conference in Wellborn, Florida.  Currently a young woman is giving her dissertation in the conference room and my friend, Cathy, has gone to listen.  The topic is "Gifts of the Divine" and I know Cathy will fill me in.  The next one is "Ancient Healing Techniques" which I plan to attend. 

I went to the conference last year in Kennebunkport, Maine, so I am getting to know some of the people a little better.  Way more fun this weekend, than last year's.  Cathy registered us both, and when I got my ID badge it had "Rev. Corky Clayton".  I told Cathy I must have graduated since I'm now a Reverend.  We both had a good laugh over that.  I told her I expect to be Rev. Dr. Corky Clayton at the next conference.  And, yes, they spelled my last name wrong.  Don't ask me why, even when I spell it, it comes out Clayton instead of Cayton. 

The picture above was taken at Heartwood, Cathy and Ted's home.  It's a rhododendron. Now, in northeastern Alabama they hold a Rhododendron Festival the third week in May, because that's about the time they are in bloom.  You can see the bushes are in full bloom now.  This particular bush is just outside her glassed-in back porch, so this bush takes up quite a bit of window space.

This beautiful arrangement is at the front of the room at the conference.  Beautiful lavendars, pinks, and purples with white butterflies hovering above the petals.

One of the moments last night was with a woman who had brought a large crystal singing bowl and a hand-held crystal bowl.  The large one was tuned to ASharp which resonates with the Pineal gland, and the hand held one resonated with the heart.  We sat with our eyes closed as she rimmed each bowl to create the tone emitted from each.  Totally relaxing, very peaceful, completely loving.  I felt so much more centered than I did all day, especially after driving four hours to get here.  From the moment we pulled into the driveway it seemed as if we were 10 minutes behind everyone else.  Last night, after leaving the crystal bowl experience, Cathy and I headed to the room, had a wonderful discussion about several topics, read some of "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen" and went to sleep.  Slept like a baby!!!  On that note, I'll simply sign off by saying "...angels hover all around you.  They protect you while you sleep..."  Sleep well my loves!!!

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