Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 Bright and early Tuesday morning, I left New Orleans headed for Florida.  As I was crossing Lake Ponchartrain, about 6:45am, I noticed how beautiful the sky looked and took this picture.  I had a glorious day of blue skies, white clouds, and easy traffic as I made my way across the state of Louisiana, Alabama and then Florida. 

Nearly 11 hours later, I arrived at my friend, Alpha's, home.  Was I ever glad to finally be somewhere!  The last two hours of the drive were the longest of the whole trip. 
After unloading all my "stuff", we settled into our seats on the lanai, sipping a wonderful Pinot Grigio and catching up on our lives from when I was last here, which was March of last year.  Being with Alpha is like being with family.  You know you may not agree on everything, but just like family, you know they will love you anyway.  No matter how long it is between visits, there is never a time of getting to know each other again, you just fall into the friendship again, as if no time has elapsed.

As we sat on the porch, she told me the watering system had been pushed back to about 7:30 pm so we might not get any rainbows.  But just as the water began to flow, we both looked out to see this beautiful rainbow taking shapen to our left.  I grabbed my camera and took several pictures of it.  It was like a "welcome home" celebration.

Today, we are headed to a "spiritualist camp" called Cassadaga.  Alpha is taking me to the hotel which has an amazing restaurant she says.  Cassadaga celebrated it's 117th birthday last year, having been formed

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