Friday, May 4, 2012


My friend, Cathy, wrote a beautiful piece about being back at Heartwood and the "physical home space" that nurtures the spirit and the soul.  Then there is the essence of the "spiritual home" where the true journey is when we remember our true home resides in the "Light of Love".

I've been thinking about this today as I drove from Flagler Beach to Sarasota, Florida, following my dear friend, Alpha.  I've just spent the past four days being in the Light of Love in the presence of this dear woman.  She allows me to be me, to be present when I can, and to attend my own needs, and at the same time, she loves me in a quiet, simple way.  We wake in our own time, we flow into our day at our own speed and move into the fullness of the day easily and without stress. 

As I'm writing this, I am aware of how many people in my life are also this way.  My friends, Cathy and Ted, who created the beautiful circle garden above where we firewalk, are just as easy to be with.  In fact, Lynn and Judy, in Maine, surround me with love every time I visit.  Although, Lynn, I must say this past September nearly put me under the table.  I had such a great time, sitting out in the yard, having our first vodka martini with the great "pupu" platter Judy made for us.  I had so much to drink that afternoon and evening, I don't remember sitting down to dinner and eating.  What a marvelous time I had with you two!!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is my "home" lives in many different places.  While I love being in my camper, I also love being able to travel to the homes of my friends and my loving family.  My heart is fed by so many different people in so many varied ways.  The old adage "home is where the heart is" holds true for me.  This weekend my heart is in Sarasota with Kirsten, Scott and Alpha.  By Sunday, my heart will once again  be in my "rolling palace"!  Life is GREAT!!!

To all of you who have opened your homes and hearts to me, I say, THANK YOU!!!  I am deeply grateful for your love and your generosity of Spirit!!!!

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