Monday, June 25, 2012


 You've heard me talk about my spiritual mentor, Edwene Gaines.  Well, here she is with me at the Forgiveness Retreat at Edwene's center called Rockridge Retreat.  She has a wonderful piece of property in Valleyhead, Alabama, just below Mentone,Alabama.  I'm sure I've already written about my experience and the awesome piece of work I got to do with Edwene.  Please note the "halo" circling my head, lest there be any doubt about me being an "angel".  (Just kidding!!!)
 As Teresa and I were driving around Mentone, we came across this tree with the most unusual look to it.  Kind of looks like a horses head, doesn't it.  This was found in front of a church on one of the smaller, less traveled roads.

I'm now in Ohio, having arrived on Friday last.  My trip to North Carolina was most fulfilling and I have scheduled another firewalk to be held the weekend after Labor Day.  I also found the perfect retreat center, called Sacred Grove Retreat.  The owner is a woman named Ellen Whiteside and she and I hit it off immediately.

My dream of having an advanced workshop for firewalkers is finally coming to fruition.  The weekend of October 5, 6, and 7th I will be hosting a residential retreat I'm calling "In Praise of Fire".  If all goes well, my friend, Bowden, is going to help facilitate the workshop with me.  I am soooooooo excited about this opportunity to bring this work to a whole new level.
I had to put this picture in.  I may have already put this guy into one of my other blogs, but he has such a great personality.  Every time I've been to Edwene's retreat center, this guy is in one of the fields on the road leading up to her place.  If you stop your car and talk to him, he lets out this really loud bray as if he's talking to you.  My friend Shelia says this is her "boyfriend".  Look at that sweet face.  How can you not fall in love with this guy!!!
As I prepare for this amazing workshop this fall, this is what my energy looks and feels like.  I'm filled with excitement, dread, optimism, fear, you name it, I'm going through it right now.  The good news is that I'm with my family and they certainly bring me into a totally different awareness and perspective on my life.  I am so enjoying being able to sit and play cards and games with my family.

With that in mind, please remember how much fun it is to play with your family and friends.  Life is way too short not to have fun!!! So plan a get-together and start playing something!!! You'll be so glad you did!!!

Peace Out!!!!

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