Wednesday, July 4, 2012


 Today is the 236th anniversary of the founding of this country.  It certainly goes without saying we would not be celebrating this holiday without the service and the courage of all the men and women who have given so much to this country to preserve our freedom. 

The picture to the left is my step-dad, Richard.  As you can see by his hat he is one of those courageous men I mentioned above.  He is also one of the sweetest men I've ever met, he has a huge heart and is a real creme puff when it comes to something that touches his heart.  I'll never forget the time when my baby sister had been taken to the hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.  The year was 2000 and my entire family were in Sheridan, Wyoming celebrating my Mom's 75th birthday.  Lisa was the only family member not present.  We had not really met Richard before this event and when we found out about Lisa, Richard offered to drive me and my sister, Sandy to the airport to fly to Georgia.  As he dropped us off, he got really teary-eyed and gave each of us a big hug.  This coming from a man who barely knew either of us. 
 A few days ago, my Mom, Richard and my brother-in-law, Larry, and I went out on Larry's pontoon boat for a day of fishing.  I'm happy to report I caught the first fish.  I can't tell you what kind it was, and it wasn't very big so I threw it back.  Here's my mom with one of the two fish she caught.  This is a blue gill and it's a beautiful fish.  Both of hers were too small to keep also, but neither of the men caught any fish, which I know was disappointing for them.  We had a really good time.  I actually got to go fishing twice so far.
Yesterday, I was able to meet up with my friend, Vivian.  She lives in a suburb of Cleveland and was very close to Chagrin Falls where we met for lunch.  I met her last October and we both really connected during that workshop.  Then when I went to the Forgiveness Workshop, she was one of the attendees, so we got to reconnect.  She is a wondeful woman and we were able to spend a couple of hours filling each other in on the events of our lives.  I hope to introduce her to my sister, Jenny, who lives in Ohio, the next time I come up this way. 

For all of you, I wish you a joyous holiday.  Don't forget to give thanks for all the freedoms we are able to enjoy in this country.  Peace Out!!!

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