Sunday, July 29, 2012

2012 OLYMPICS!!!

You'd never guess what this picture is!  Nope, that's not it!  It's the U.S. Men's Volleyball team immediately after beating Serbia in the first round match.  I loved the way it looks like a big "W", for WIN!!!  Loved the game, and I've really loved watching all the events thus far.

Yesterday, I watched the men's gymnastic take first place in the preliminary round to determine which teams would make the medal competition. 

One of the really great stories, which I know you know are one of the best parts about the Olympics, was told during this match.  It involves the young man representing the Irish gymnastic team.

His name is Kieran Behan and there was a time in his young life when he was told he probably wouldn't walk.  At the age of 6, he had a tumor removed.  The prognosis wasn't good.  He and his family proved all the doctors wrong.  He went on to join a gymnastics team.  At one point in his journey of becoming a world class gymnast, he hit his head so hard it through off his balance.  Again, he was told he'd never be able to compete.  Again, he proved all his detractors wrong.

On being selected for the Olympic team he said "it's an impossible dream that came true. Just getting to this moment, I'm going to savor it.  It's in the judges hands." 

I watched him compete in the floor exercise.  The routine was good, but he messed up twice on landings.  But, when he got to the end of his routine his face broke into a great big smile.  You could tell, this was the moment he had always dreamed of, competing with the best of the best in the world.

This is what I love about the Olympics.  The courage, the perseverance, the attitudes of each and every one of the athletes who sometimes have to surmount unbelievable odds to get there.  There is also another story happening for the women's gymnastic teams.  For the first time ever in any Olympic games, a young woman from Turkey is competing.  I hope she makes it to the medal competition.

I'm so pumped, I'm going to go do a really good walk through Wal-mart.  OK, maybe not a REALLY good walk, but at least a walk.  So, get up and get going!!! Hope you're enjoying the Olympics as much as I am!!!

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