Thursday, December 27, 2012


 I'm sure each of you were able to appreciate the wonderful sights and sounds of this holiday season.  I am really fortunate to have a sister who loves to look at the beautiful lights strung in front of various homes, businesses and churches.  Christmas eve we left home, Jenny, Larry and I, to drive to the downtown area of Warren, Ohio.  There is a particular neighborhood that lines their streets with luminarias and we headed in that direction.

I wasn't able to get a very good picture of the luminarias, but I did get some shots of various houses decorated to the max. 
The one to the left was an amazing display of lights.  Not only was the front of the house decorated, but also the sides and the back.  Completely covered with lights!  So beautiful!!!


 This particular display was especially lovely.  The trunks were wrapped in green lights and the tops were covered in red lights.  I was so happy to see many houses decorated with lights.  We may be living in hard times, but you couldn't tell it by the number of people who put up something to make their Christmas brighter.

The holiday has now passed and we have settled into eating, watching television and scratching ourselves periodically. It's nice not to have to bake something, whip something up, or put something together for a fancy feast.  Life has resumed to simplicity and I, for one, am enjoying the ease and comfort of being in my sister's home.

Just like most of the country, we had a huge snowfall yesterday.  The wind blew, making it look like a blizzard outside.  It appears we might have gotten about 6-7 inches.  Everything is covered in white.  Today, all is calm, all is bright!  Sounds like a song doesn't it.   
I took this picture while the snows were falling and the wind was blowing.  Just the day before, the ground had turned into a slushy mess, and now, look how pristine it looks.

I'm not really a winter person, but I do love how the world looks after a snowfall.  Like everything is brand new, no mistakes, no hardness, only bright and beautiful.  So peaceful!!!

Even though I'm really enjoying being here with my sister, it's just about time for me to leave for Memphis.  I think I'll head back about the second week of January.  It all depends on the weather, but I'm ready to reconnect with friends and my book club women. 

It will soon be 2013.  For all of us I see a bright and prosperous New Year, filled with all our hopes and dreams coming true.  Feliz Navidad!!!

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