Here's Coley on her way to celebrate her day of becoming a "free" woman once again. Yesterday she got word her divorce had become final. So the two of us went in to town to have a drink at Zi's and to order chicken wings for supper, Coley's favorite.
Once we got into town, I saw Kevin who does the yarn braiding. He and I had talked about me getting one, and since we were celebrating, we both got one to represent freedom in our lives, her from her husband, me from my job. Tomorrow I'll take a picture to share with you guys.
After we got the braid, I took Coley down to her favorite dress shop, just before you get to the beach and bought her a little sun dress, more of an evening dress, but in black, similar to what she's wearing in this picture, except it has little sequined designs. It's going to look really good on our cruise in January when we celebrate our 60th birthday.
We both had a really good time and even though I got home much later than usual, I was really happy to be here with her. I remember when I divorced my husband, I cried the entire afternoon after going to Court and asking a Judge to grant me one. I felt like such a failure, even though I was the one who wanted it.
I hope Coley and Mike will be able to resume a friendship at some point. He's been in our family for 33 years, and I will miss seeing him periodically. He's a good guy, they simply took it as far as they could.
Being free is something each person has to learn how to live in. It has it's own moments of great joy, but also deep despair. Learning to be alone and yet not be lonely, is only one facet of this rough diamond. Many other opportunities for growth as well. Coley is strong, independent, self-sufficient. She will find her way through this and she and I will have many opportunities to discover our own rhythms together.