Here we are, the day before Thankgiving, enjoying another day in sunny Costa Rica. This morning we returned to Pacifico to participate in the water aerobics class. As you can see by the pictures, it's not a very pretty pool and we have to force ourselves to get in. Yeah, and if you believe that.....!!! The instructor, however, is superb!!! This picture on the right shows a white masted ship between the palms with the sails down. That's the Pacific ocean in the background and today it is really quite blue.
As we come into our Thanksgiving holiday, Coley and I have expressed how amazing it is that we are both living in Costa Rica, her permanently and me sporadically. Growing up in Albuquerque, moving away to create our lives and somehow opportunity collided with luck, and well, here we are.
Tomorrow as we gather with other ex-patriots and vacationers, Coley and I will be thinking of each of you, holding you in our hearts and sending love north, south, east and west. May we each find the contentment and peace we seek with our families of origin and our families of choice. And, for us, if we eat too much tomorrow, Susanna has assured us she will work off our turkey in the pool on Friday!!!!!
May the Force be with you all!!!!!
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