And, finally, while I was pet-sitting the first part of the week, I was taking care of two dogs, Paca and Negro, and the cat whose name is Come'er, or as I like to spell it, Kamir. She apparently decided one night to go catting around and didn't come in to eat until about 5:30 a.m. So while I'm watching TV, I looked over and she appear to be hiding her eyes, I guess so she can get a little more shuteye. That's what happens, Kamir, when you stay out all night, the next day you're not worth a crap.
This is my first post in almost a week. Partly because I was pet-sitting and didn't have a computer that worked very well. Now that I'm back at Coley's I can begin again. One of the first things Coley and I did yesterday after I got settled back home, was to sit out on the porch to play a game. Coley taught me how to play liar's dice. The object is for each person to roll out 10 dice at the same time, then to call out what they have, using not only their dice, but what they think the other person might have. For instance, I had three 5's and thought Coley might have two more, so I called out five 5's. She could either accept my bid or call me on it. If there were a total of five 5's or more than I would win, if not, I had to give up one die. You play until one person has the remaining die. We played several hands, and when we both got down to two dice, Coley called out two 2's and I then called out two 5's. She called me on it and when we showed our two dice, we both had exactly the same two dice, a 2 and a 5. We both started laughing at the "coincidence" of it. Things like that tend to happen more often than you might think with the two of us. Pretty fun!!!!

This is my first post in almost a week. Partly because I was pet-sitting and didn't have a computer that worked very well. Now that I'm back at Coley's I can begin again. One of the first things Coley and I did yesterday after I got settled back home, was to sit out on the porch to play a game. Coley taught me how to play liar's dice. The object is for each person to roll out 10 dice at the same time, then to call out what they have, using not only their dice, but what they think the other person might have. For instance, I had three 5's and thought Coley might have two more, so I called out five 5's. She could either accept my bid or call me on it. If there were a total of five 5's or more than I would win, if not, I had to give up one die. You play until one person has the remaining die. We played several hands, and when we both got down to two dice, Coley called out two 2's and I then called out two 5's. She called me on it and when we showed our two dice, we both had exactly the same two dice, a 2 and a 5. We both started laughing at the "coincidence" of it. Things like that tend to happen more often than you might think with the two of us. Pretty fun!!!!
I received an e-mail from a friend in Memphis about a global meditation taking place tonight. Apparently, because of the increased energy of the 11-11 gateway, people from around the world are gathering together at 11pm ET, 10 pm here in Costa Rica. I've invited six other people to join with us to focus our intent of "one world, one humanity". I'm not sure if there will be anyone here with me or not, even my twin wants to go into town for ladies night, when the drinks are free. She isn't as enamored of all this type of work as I am. So it may be just me, chanting the Gayatri Matra for 11 minutes beginning at 10pm. But I'm OK with that. I hope if anyone is reading this, that you, too, will take 11 minutes out of your like to sit and focus through your heart, how connected you are to others in your family, your community, your world. Scientists do know there is a "unified field", which means we are all connected to each other and to everything on our planet. So having said that, I leave you now, knowing that my heart joins with each of you in love!!!!
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