I started playing around with my FxCamera feature on my phone, here's a couple of pictures I took I really liked:
"I love myself!!!! A wonderful picture of Shelia posing for the camera. You go girl!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures of my friend, Shelia, taken with the symmetricam feature on my phone. Look at that smile, she's a happy camper!!!

Here's my buddy, Shelia, waiting for dinner to finish. We have played a number of games up to this point and we are both really famished. This was her first visit to the new 1435 Madison (on wheels) home. We were supposed to be at the campsite on Friday, but my pet-sitting job got delayed a day. Then when we got to my camper, I had already received a call from Smitty saying the ranger had called about my air-conditioning unit freezing up. I couldn't understand that, since the air-conditioner was turned off, at least I believe it had been. When I stepped up into the camper and I heard this terrible grinding noise I knew what it was...my slide-out had started coming forward and had hit the counter which caused the slide-out to sit on its frame cattywhompus. Immediately went to an upstream thought, "holy sh.., how much is this going to cost me and will I be able to leave by May 19th." Then I called Smitty and said "I need you to come and tell me what to do!!!!!" I told her what had happened and she was as baffled as I was as to how that could have happened. Long story short, (I decided to go downstream, get in the flow again) Shelia and I lit some incense and did some affirmations and blessed my camper while Smitty and her brother looked the situation over. With a little effort, and some muscle power we were able to get the slide-out all the way out and back in. I also found out I could manually bring it in.
Look how beautiful our meal looked, taken in the symmetricam. We had chicken cordon bleu, purple potatoes mased with an herbed sour cream and a beautiful salad. Coley, you would have loved this, it was absolutely delicious!!! If I do say so myself!!!
Time to go. I'm off to St. Louis to visit my friends, Jim and Elizabeth. I'll be back on Wednesday, just in time for book study. Share some love today!!!!!

Time to go. I'm off to St. Louis to visit my friends, Jim and Elizabeth. I'll be back on Wednesday, just in time for book study. Share some love today!!!!!
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