On Sunday, May 8th (Mother's Day), I headed up North of Memphis to visit with my friends, Jim and Elizabeth in O'Fallon, Missouri. I had seen the news of the flooding along the Mississippi, but this was my first venture across the bridge to West Memphis, Arkansas. The picture to the left, is as I came across the old bridge on I-55, about a mile and a half from the bridge, the water is covering every acre of land. I took this picture out my truck window just as I was getting to Mound City Road which was blocked off due to flooding. The water you see goes clear across to where the new "bridge of lights" is as you travel from I-40 from Memphis. Quite a sight to see, no land for several miles.

On Tuesday, Jim, Elizabeth and I decided to do some sight seeing, and they took me up into some of the wine country. Missouri has become a hot bed for new winerys, so being able to do many wine tastings in one day is very easy to do. I, however, only made it to one. This is a picture from the top of one of the winerys. Off in the distance you can see some light blue areas, that's water. This is around Booneville, Missouri.

This is the entrance to the original Daniel Boone home in Defiance, Missouri. The house is a beautiful white stone, two story mansion with several cabin-type structures just beyond where the main house sits.

Not a great picture of the house, but we did not get out to actually go up to the house. We were really enjoying our beautiful ride. The area around Booneville is lush and green, with rolling hills and some very beautiful, expensive homes, with smaller cabin type homes in near proximity. Quite electic. Loved the area and saw quite a bit of land up for sale.

For the entire 300 and some odd miles up to St. Louis, there was never a time when I was concerned about flooding until I was on my return to Memphis. As I got to the 58 mile marker, I noticed traffic beginning to slow down. As I got closer, I saw highway road crews with flashing lights monitoring this area. It's the only time I saw sand bags and the water was lapping over I-55. This was on Wednesday, yet when I drove up on Sunday afternoon, there was nothing close to this happening.
I have not heard any of my friends having any problems with water levels dangerously high around their homes or their businesses. Thank goodness for that. For all the other thousands of people having to deal with losing their homes and all their possessions, I pray!!
Now, for a little "celestine prophecy" story. I went to see an energy worker last Friday who I have been to see on several occasions. Before I went in for my session, a woman walked out of the room and Kim, my friend, said "I want to introduce you two". She told the woman who I was and that I was the one who had sent the flyers about firewalking. The woman's name is Michelle, and she started to tell me about walking the fire with Tony Robbins and about being in real estate and about an idea she's had for putting a firewalk on for real estate agents as part of a continuing education program they do from January to March. So I asked her if she had a business card, she hands it to me and I notice her name, Michelle Amen. The name "amen" actually originated from Amenhotep, one of the great Pharoahs of Egypt, which my book study has spent some time reading about. It all felt very auspicious to me and I told her I would be in touch, but I would need to find a place to hold the workshop. She then asked what I needed, and I said, land open enough to have a large bonfire and a room to do the workshop in. It turns out one of her good friends has several acres of land in Arlington, just outside of Memphis and Michelle believes she would be agreeable to holding it there.
So, as my circle of friends, I ask each of you to be a vision keeper for me and if this firewalk experience is supposed to work out this fall, hold the vision of it coming together easily, effortlessly and with great joy!!! Perhaps I'll even see some of you there!!!!!
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