Saturday night at the lake and my friend, Lacy, has come to visit, to party, and to play games. As all of you know, I love this feature on my phone where I can take a picture of someone or something, and it combines 4 quadrants into one photo. So of course, as you can see, this was part of my fun. This first picture is of Lacy. I just love how it combines the face and you can see the quirkiest of looks and smiles on their "faces".

Now, you can see the daisy chain. I like the symbolism of the badge surrounded by "peace".

Notice the green and white gloves, in fact, you can't miss them!!! I went to a new dermatologist this past week, and she put me on a heavy dose of steroids to help ease the inflammation of the ezcema. I'm on my 3rd day of 9. She also gave me a prescription for a heavier petrolium-type cream and suggested I put it on my hands with cotton gloves and feet, the same way twice a day. These were the only cotton gloves I could find. If you had a picture of my feet, you'd see I also have on blue/yellow/white striped socks. I'm trying to create new fashion looks for the in-crowd RV'ers. I'm not sure if anyone is up for this new fashion look, what do you think? Please send your comments.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be pulling out of here on Thursday, the 19th, headed to Macon, Georgia. I'll be there for about 4 days with my best buddy, Bowden and his family. Bowden and his son, Matt, just finished a 10-day vipassana retreat (total silence). It ends today. Can't wait to hear how it went. Once I leave Georgia, I head up to Winston-Salem, North Carolina for a couple of days. I had planned to stay longer, and I may end up in one of the state parks on the 26th, but otherwise, I'll head up to sister, Sandy's, house in Delaware of about 10 days. Anyone want to meander with me, come on!!! Sending love to all!!!
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