Today, Wednesday, Larry, Jenny and I spent the afternoon on the lake. Our day started out rather cool, 64 degrees at 10:30 am, but warmed up to a nice 83 degrees by 3:30 pm when we took the pontoon out to Mosquito Lake.
My fishing license had expired, so Jenny and I took our books to read while Larry fished. We knew before we got out on the water there was a breeze blowing, but once we were out on the water, WOW, the breeze was really strong.
As Jenny and I sat on our own boat seat, the boat began to rock back and forth. Sometimes it rocked so hard, I had to hold onto the side of the boat to keep from being pitched off onto the floor. At one point, right before we got ready to head back, Jenny and Larry both stood up to do something and the boat pitched to one side. Jenny was thrown off balance and hit her bad leg on the side of the seat she was sitting on and Larry fell to the floor. Neither of them was hurt badly, simply bruised. It was then we decided the water was too rough so we headed back to the dock.

The sky was a beautiful blue with patches of white clouds, looked like cotton balls all over the sky.
This picture to the left was taken with symmetricam. I love the head with the pompador look, so Marie Antoinette.
We are all safely back at home, worn out by our afternoon in the fresh air, being tossed about on the boat.
Sleep well my angels!!!!!
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