Today, Jenny, Larry and I arrived at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, for Jenny's "second opinion" appointment. The Cleveland Clinic is renowned world-wide as a leading academic and research hospital, and it's a non-profit agency. Recently, Jenny read that Martin Sheen had been to the clinic for some sort of treatment. At least she thinks it was Martin Sheen, so don't quote me.
This picture above was taken in front of the clinic and is the most beautiful pool. It looks like the water magically stays in this shape and you can see the rocks along the bottom. It really is quite beautiful to see. We all really like the doctor Jenny saw today. The good news is he agrees with us, surgery is the absolute last option. He wrote her a script for physical therapy, and agrees that chiropractic work would help along with shots, I think they are some kind of steroid shot. We're both hoping she'll be given some pool work to do so I can help her with her exercises both in and out of the pool. He did say it could take a couple more months before she'll know if it's working. She felt so much better and optimistic after talking with him, so did I.

As we headed back to Warren I took this picture of the First Mt. Zion Baptist Church. It's an incredible looking church, I wish the picture had more ooomph to it, it really doesn't do the architecture justice.

By the time we left the Cleveland Clinic, we were all pretty hungry so we stopped in a little place called Shaker Heights and went to the town square called Shaker Square and had lunch. Here's Larry and Jenny headed into the restaurant called Yours Truly. We had a good lunch of omelet, chicken walnut salad and chicken tender salad. Yum, yum!!!!! On the way back we took a little detour and drove through Chagrin Falls. This is where Shelia's daughter and her partner lived for several years. It looks the same, Shelia, and I thought about the last time you were here visiting.
Time to get to bed. Sleep well all you prince's and princesses' out there!!!!
Hey Corky, Cleveland Clinic is where I had my Crohn's Disease surgery in 97. I believe that one of the reasons that I am doing so well right now is because of the quality of care that I got there. Also, they were at that time giving everyone that was going into surgery meditation/guidance tapes where you access your guidance team and also visualize all of the people that would be working on you having their highest and best resources available to help you have a successful surgery. Hope your sister is doing good.