Would you believe that as I was traveling down Ohio Route 5, I saw a sign on the side of the road that said "The Center of the World". According to my sister, Leavittsburg is purportedly right in the center of the Earth. Who would have ever thought that as I'm meandering I'd come across the center of the world!!! Go figure!!! And in Ohio of all places!!!
Now, here's another amazing thing. See the picture to the left, well, just above my mirror is an insect called a "katydid". It looks somewhat like a grasshopper, with large legs in the back, and a large set of antennae on it's head, but the body is fuller, more rounded than a grasshopper. Yesterday, I drove about 25 miles to drop off my vacuum cleaner at a Sears Appliance Service Center. Just as I got into my truck, I noticed the bug you see here. As I got on the interstate, doing about 65 miles per hour, I couldn't help but look over periodically to see if it was still on the mirror. It was!!! That bug stayed on the mirror all the way to the service center, stayed there until I came out of the service center, and, stayed there until I drove to Cracker Barrel, but at some point while I was in the restaurant having a leisurely lunch, it decided to take a hike. Guess the little bugger got tired of hanging around in the sun and went to find another ride.

You guys know how much I love playing around with the symmetricam camera. So, here's a picture I took of Jenny the other day. She laughed and said "I don't think I was ever that skinny!!"
She looks very prim and proper, don't you think?!
I'm still hanging out in Ohio. My sister has an appointment with a physical therapist for next week, so I hope we'll be able to do some really good exercises to help get her back and her legs in better shape before I leave the end of the month.
Coley is back in Costa Rica and is currently helping out at Vista Azule. She'll be there until she flies back to the States to meet me in New Orleans in November. Sherri and Steve have returned from South Dakota where they had a marvelous time visiting some of the better know sites, like Mt. Rushmore and Sturgis (where they hold a massive motorcycle rally each year). Just learned today my brother, Jeff, was sick for an entire week. Sorry to hear about that Jeff. Hope you're doing much better and Jenny and I will be in touch in the next couple of days!!!
All my other friends and family, stay well, do good work, and remember I love you!!!
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