Friday, February 4, 2011

Cataratas (waterfall) de Cortes

Look very closely on the left and in the center of the waterfall you might be able to see someone with their arms outspread and that would be Coley and next to her is Jeff. The walked behind the falls and then entered the water to swim in front of the falls.

I, on the other hand, preferred to enter the water from in front of the falls and to walk/swim backwards in order to immerse myself under the water.

Here I am doing a back pedal with Jeff behind me. The water was very cool when we got in but after just a few moments felt so refreshing and rejuvenating.

When we were through playing in the water, we gathered to the left of the fall on the opposite bank from where we walked in. Here we are sitting on the rocks getting ready to have our first Ponderosa. I believe I talked about this drink concoction we made up for New Year's, champagne and pineapple juice. Try it! I don't think I will ever go back to Mimosas again.

After our drinks, we brought out our picnic lunch of real fried chicken wings and drummies, which I, myself, cooked yesterday. Along with potato dill salad, cold cuts, cheese, chips and cookies, we went to town. Munching down!!!! MMMMMMMM, good!!!!! All that exercise really makes everything taste so scrumpscious.

The final shot of all three of us, me, Jeff and Coley in front of the falls. Little did I know at this moment I would be hiking out over the steepest return trail. About the last 30 feet, Mike got in front of me and I held onto his belt loop and his pocket so he could pack mule me out of their. I told him I was sorry if I happened to pull his pants down, but I sure appreciated his help. When I finally made it to the tope, I let out a really big scream, THANK YOU, GOD, I MADE IT!!!!

What a really fun, exhausting, beautiful day in a really beautiful setting.

Good night, time for this happy hiker to hit the hay!!!

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