Saturday, February 19, 2011

OMG!!! I've Finally Made It!!!

I'm a "snow birder"!!!! I've finally made it!!! Last night Coley and I were sharing drinks with friends at Coconutz Bar, and I was talking about coming back to the States in March, traveling around in my RV and then returning to Costa Rica in December to spend the winter. That's when our friend, Mike, said, "you're a snowbirder"!

OMG!!!! It never occurred to me, I don't know why it didn't, but it didn't. OMG!!! I've definitely become my mother. Who would have ever believed that, I'm one of those people who purposefully plan to leave the coldest months to those who actually love snow and ice. That's definitely not me! However, I'm not all that crazy about heat and humidity either, but I can cope. So, this is me in Costa Rica enjoying the fact that it's warm and I can get out and enjoy a wonderful evening with friends, laughing and playing and just BEING!!! Life is good, hell, life is great!!!! You've still got time to come and play with us before I head back. I'll be back in the States March 18th!!!

Pura Vida!!!!!

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