Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Our Party!!!

It's taken me a couple of days to re-energize myself to sit down to put these pictures up. Jeff, Coley and I celebrated Valentine's Day, Jeff''s leaving, and mine and Coley's 60th birthday at the hotel called Vista Azule. It sits high up on a hill and overlooks Playas del Coco. Look how beautiful the sunset was for us. Not only was the sunset beautiful but I spotted two different rainbows that we oooohed and aaaaahed about. It was a gorgeous night, a wonderful wind blowing to cool everything off, really good company and delicious food.

Here's Jeff sharing a story with Dave and Rosemary. They live just down the street from where we live and Dave is quite the guitar player/songwriter. Love their spirit!!!

Well, who do we have here? Oh, it's our senior twins being held up by Jeff. Bonnie, who owns the hotel, sent up a guy to take pictures for us, and he took this photo. We all liked it and we three had a great time the entire evening.

Here's a picture with Coco in the background. You can see a little of the water over my right shoulder. For food we ate bruschetta with avocado, tomato and mozarella on fresh french bread; hummus, and roasted red pepper hummus, along with fresh vegetables. Then after all that, we had Thai chicken skewers with a spicy peanut sauce. To top it off, Coley and I were surprised by birthday cupcakes, banana bread cupcakes with a wonderful sour cream frosting. Freckles and Mike had arranged to have the cupcakes and candles lit and they all sang happy birthday to us. There were 4 couples there and the three of us. What a great birthday we had and it wasn't even our birthday yet.

On February 15th, the big day (our birthday) Jeff had to leave. So just as I did when he landed, I took his picture before he left. I believe he had a memorable time and we both loved having someone from our family here to celebrate this milestone of our life. We miss you, Jeff. Come back, Jeff, come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After leaving Jeff at the airport, Coley and I took ourselves to breakfast and this young man waited on us. What made the meal so different was the coffee maker. He brought over this contraption, which already had the ground coffee in what looks like a dirty sock. He poured hot water into the sock and the coffee dripped down into the pot. It took very little time and the coffee was bold and tasty. Have never seen anything like this anywhere.

We left the retaurant and drove back to Coco and our condo. While we were relaxing, a delivery man knocked on our door and this beautiful flower arrangement was delivered to us. It seems as though brother Jeff got the idea to buy us flowers and checked it with several of our siblings and our Mom. When the guy came in to set them on the table, Coley and I looked at each other with question marks across our faces. What a great surprise!!!!!!!!!! So, in a few words, we are another year older, another year wiser, and another year surrounded by the love of our family and friends, for which we are deeply grateful, and feel completely blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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