Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Youngster Has Arrived

OK, take a good look at brother Jeffrey. See how pale he is, the whiteness of his beard, hair, moustache and skin. This is his first appearance in Costa Rica approximately 9pm.

Now here he is at approximately 10:00 pm and already Coley and I have been a bad influence. . . he's got the first of a couple of beers on our porch. Wish you could see the white, and I do mean white legs with white socks and black sandals. We've already told him to ditch the socks.
Tomorrow we're going to the Waterfall. That's all I know about it's description and location. We are, however, taking a wonderful picnic. . . I cooked fried chicken drummies and made a "skin on new potatoes" salad with a dill, sour cream, mayo and a little Dijon mustard with hard boiled eggs, celery, onion and celery seed. It tastes great. Mike and Freckles are bringing the rest. More tomorrow!! Hugs to all!!!

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